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This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

5 comentarii leave one →
  1. loopoo permalink
    20 februarie 2011 20:17

    Din ce oras zici ca esti?

  2. 28 iulie 2012 3:29

    don’t know if I can trust the translation of google 😉 thanks for the follow.

    • 28 iulie 2012 12:10

      I don’t know exactly what do you mean…

      • 28 iulie 2012 15:36

        your page is romanian I think… I read a few poems but of course I had to use the translation option from my browser …

        since you can’t trust them especially for poetry I just thought I drop you a line because there’s not much sense for me following a blog I can only read with a translation algorithm. …

        still a bit tired, does it make more sense now?

      • 29 iulie 2012 10:03

        yes, it has no sense…my little blog, that’s why it’s so unpopular…

        thanks anyway :)!

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